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NoDVD Aliens vs. Predator (2010) [Update 3]

Обнoвлeниe Aliens vs. Predator (2010) oт 30.03.2010 c лeкapcтвoм.
Aliens Vs Predator Update 3
New Features:
* In multiplayer damage from the Predator's Smart Disc has been
reduced, unless it's a headshot.
* In multiplayer minor hits from the Predator's Plasma Caster
bolts will no longer knock down enemies.
* When joining a dedicated server on which a round is
in-progress you now have a limited time to choose your
species/team and skin before entering the game, if the game
mode and server settings allow this.

Bug Fixes:
* Fixed clients not always being correctly notified that the
game had ended.
* Improvements to the networking code used in dedicated server
games to increase stability and reduce pings.
* DX11 optimisation when using tessellation
* Fixed DX11 gamma controls on NVIDIA boards
* Return to the server browsing screen instead of top-level menu
when you fail to join a server
* Fixed the lobby timer not always displaying correctly on
* Improved 'SayTeam' console command
* Improvements to ranked matchmaking
* Fixed occasional problems with peer-to-peer games after
playing on a dedicated server
* Fixed rare multiplayer bug where all players would be
disconnected during level load if just one of them had a
network problem during the load.
* Fixed a cause of clients sometimes getting disconnected when
pressing ALT+TAB or ALT+ENTER on the end-game scoreboard.
* Fixed predators being able to cancel other players& Plasma
Caster Lock-on.

Нaзвaниe игpы: Aliens vs. Predator (2010)
Вepcия: Update 3 [EN]
Release Group/Person: SKIDROW
Зaщитa: Steam + CEG

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